5 reasons why everyone should train BJJ
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has rapidly expanded to become one of the most widely trained martial arts across the globe. From casual combat sport enthusiasts to MMA fighters preparing for UFC world titles, there is no denying that BJJ appeals greatly to people who want to learn to fight. Further, BJJ is arguably the best martial art for individuals of any age group, gender, or lifestyle. Although there are endless reasons why someone should start and stick with BJJ training, here are the five top reasons why everyone should train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
1. BJJ is Effective for Real World Self Defense
Let’s be totally honest here: the core of any serious martial art — even those used in a sporting context — are techniques and methods of effectively defending yourself against real-world threats. While no serious martial artist would argue that BJJ covers everything you might need to know in terms of real world violence, there are a large number of situations that may occur in normal civilian life where BJJ techniques can be applied to defend yourself. A quick search on any video site will reveal countless examples of people using BJJ to justifiably protect themselves. From schoolyard bullies to back-alley robbers, BJJ offers a number of tools to control, escape from, and if need be, incapacitate an attacker.
We know that mastering BJJ takes years, if not decades. However, even a few months of training will give you a serious advantage over a typical untrained attacker. This is because techniques and positions in BJJ are drilled rigorously, often against resisting opponents, with the goal of committing them to muscle memory. BJJ ingrains defensive reactions, positions of control, and methodical forms of attack into its practitioners until they are instinctual. Compared to someone with no grappling experience, a reasonably skilled blue belt might as well be a black belt in terms of the chances the untrained person has of succeeding in a grappling scenario. At this point we’ve all probably heard the old adage that 90% of fights end up on the ground. We can pretty much guarantee the outcome when an unarmed, untrained attacker and a moderately trained grappler hit the floor in a tussle or robbery.
2. BJJ is Low-Impact, Safe, and Suitable for Every Body Type
Next to its efficacy as a form of self-defence, the most attractive reason to train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is that it can be effectively practiced by anyone regardless of age, gender, or body type. The training, while still a formidable workout, is quite low-impact — unlike a striking sport (i.e.boxing or muay thai), you won’t be taking hard shots to the head or body, and most of the energy you expend will come from less kinetic actions such as pushing, pulling, and locking down positions.
Further, BJJ comes equipped with a built-in safety mechanism: the tap. While tapping officially signals a surrender to an opponent (usually via a submission hold), BJJ practitioners are encouraged to tap early and tap often while training. Even if you are not in the throws of a submission, BJJ empowers you to simply tap if you ever feel uncomfortable and prefer not to continue. While every martial artist should know what it’s like to hit and be hit, BJJ allows you to train with the intensity needed to be as prepared as you can for a fight without taking the quantity of damage required to be good at striking. Hitting pads and bags are great exercise, however if you aren’t going live in actual scenarios, you won’t be able to reliably use the techniques against real opponents and attackers. BJJ allows average people to train and compete at a realistic intensity without leaving them slurring and drooling by their 40’s.
Finally, every body type is well suited to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Children and older martial artists can train BJJ effectively with little fear of injury, thanks to the ability to tap. Techniques in BJJ are designed to allow smaller, weaker persons to overcome larger opponents using leverage and positioning, while the bigger and stronger among us will learn to effectively use these advantages to control and dominate opponents. No matter your level of fitness, taking BJJ classes will instill in you the importance of staying calm and effectively managing your energy during strenuous exercise.
3. Taking BJJ classes is intense exercise and promotes a healthy lifestyle
Vigorous exercise and eating a balanced and healthy diet are the best ways to protect yourself from heart disease, diabetes or any of the plethora of illnesses associated with the current first-world obesity crisis. Anyone attending their first BJJ class can speak to the intensity of BJJ training in terms of cardio, strength, and anaerobic demand. In fact, a 30 minute BJJ rolling session is almost guaranteed to be a better workout than a typical jog or set of interval sprints.
Additionally, a healthier diet makes a tremendous impact on how you feel and perform when training BJJ. For many people, feeling good during training is often a much more powerful motivator to eat a healthy diet than being on the receiving end of a lecture from a doctor.
4. A sense of community
While self-defense and exercise are all well and good, the undeniable sense of belonging, camaraderie, and friendship you will find in a quality BJJ gym is what will keep you coming back. BJJ brings together people from all walks of life, income levels, age groups, and nationalities.
Even if we all started BJJ for self-defense or exercise, those of us who stick with it for the long haul keep coming back because of the friendships we forge on the mats.
5. BJJ training buillds self-confidence
Last but not least on our list of why everyone should train BJJ is the way it builds self-confidence. For all the reasons mentioned above — developing fighting skills, improving health, and building quality relationships — BJJ tends to simultaneously build confidence, helping people live happier, more fulfilling lives outside the gym.
If your boss is harassing you at work, your non-BJJ friends are giving you flak for eating clean, or the bully at school is calling you names, training BJJ will help you stand up for yourself, brush this type of nonsense off, and move forward. Whether you are making tough business decisions, dealing with unruly customers, or being harassed on the street, the stability, clarity of mind, and confidence will help you effectively navigate these challenges..
Overall, BJJ is by far the most accessible martial art for people of all walks of life. Each person’s motivation to take their first step on the mats will be different, but at the end of the day, the massive number of benefits received through training are why everyone should train BJJ
Credit: Diaz Combat Sports